We work so hard, so many hours.
We may get burnt out and cynically sour.
Your success is right here and can’t be bartered,
But you’ll find more to be had when you work
smarter, not harder.
Post from Transformation Tom™- Passage from “Now What: The Ultimate Graduation Gift for Professional Success”
Has someone told you that you’re the best?
What did you do that passed the test?
It’s not easy to find support as you grow –
Prove them right, and you’ll steal the show.
Post from Transformation Tom™- Passage from “Now What: The Ultimate Graduation Gift for Professional Success”
As basements go, I’m sure your
parents’ house is great,
But try to get out before it’s too late.
Post from Transformation Tom™- Passage from “Now What: The Ultimate Graduation Gift for Professional Success”
Pay your knowledge forward,
regardless of your age.
Personal experience makes you a young sage.
Post from Transformation Tom™- Passage from “Now What: The Ultimate Graduation Gift for Professional Success”
Hope is a boon as you go on your way,
But action and persistence are what count
at the end of the day.
Post from Transformation Tom™- Passage from “Now What: The Ultimate Graduation Gift for Professional Success”
You worked so hard, you hit your stride,
But you know the real world is no free ride.
Post from Transformation Tom™- Live in the Present—Chapter “From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide”
“From Fear to Success” Audiobook= Live in the Present
With dread, I waited in the lobby an hour before the biggest speech
competition of my life. For the first time, I had the opportunity to
compete against seven other speakers for the chance to represent our
district in the Toastmasters World Semi-finals International Speech
Competition. Unfortunately, I hadn’t learned yet that the words “fun”
and “public speaking,” could be used in the same sentence.
I asked Joey Grondin, the eventual contest winner, what he did to
relax. He simply said, “Live in the present.” He went on to say that this
moment would never come again, so why not enjoy it? If you grasp
hold of the now, then the audience will get caught up in the moment,
too. So, I stopped worrying about making mistakes and basked in the
moment I had on the podium. When I did, in fact, make a large mistake
by having an awkward pause while I tried to remember what I
wanted to say next, I watched the audience feel my emotions and provide
the encouragement and support I needed to ultimately have the
most fun I ever had in my early speaking career.
Thomas B. Dowd III’s business books available in softcover, eBook, and audiobook (From Fear to Success only):
- Time Management Manifesto: Expert Strategies to Create an Effective Work/Life Balance
- Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job…A Reference Guide to Finding Work received Honorable Mention in the General Non-Fiction Category at the 2014 Paris Book Festival and Honorable Mention in the Business category at the 2014 New York Book Festival
- The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World received Honorable Mention in the Business Category at the 2012 New England Book Festival
- From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide received the Gold Medal at the 2013 Axiom Business Book Awards in Business Reference, Honorable Mention at the 2013 New York Book Festival, and Honorable Mention at the 2013 Paris Book Festival.
See “Products” for details on www.transformationtom.com. Book and eBook purchase options are also available on Amazon- Please click the link to be re-directed: Amazon.com
Do you know about Avanoo? Two-to-three minute eLearning programs that can change your life. Here are my latest projects:
When Your Job is to Find a Job—and Yourself
Manage Your Time–Don’t Let It Manage You
MP3 Downloads of “From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide” are available at Apple iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Emusic, Nokia, Xbox Music, Spotify, Omnifone, Google Music Store, Rdio, Muve Music, Bloom.fm, Slacker Radio, MediaNet, 7digital, 24-7, Rumblefish, and Shazam “From Fear to Success” MP3 on CD Baby
advice, anxiety, appeal, audience, author, book, breathe, business, business development, Business Training, change, choose your words, choose your words carefully, Coach, coaching, communication, Communications, Confidence, control, development, Dowd, fear, gestures, growth, Inspiration, intentions, interests, introduction, leadership, Management, Marketing, mental, Motivation, Networking, Personal, personal growth, physical, practice, preparation, prepare, professional advice, Professional Development, public-speaking, reiterate, relax, repeat, Résumé, Résumé Writing, speaker, speaking, speech, strength, success, tense, tension, Thomas, Thomas B Dowd, Thomas B Dowd III, Thomas Dowd, tom, Tom Dowd, training, transformation, transformation tom, transformationtom, visualize successPast Events (Book Signings, Speaking, Training, Coaching, and Radio Programs)- Prior to 2014
12/23/13 Taped “Your Kind Voice with Transformation Tom”- guest Debby Adair
12/19/13 Taped “Your Kind Voice with Transformation Tom”- guest Mitch Farrar
12/17/13 Individual Coaching Session Camden, ME
12/9/13 Effective Business Communications West Falmouth, ME
12/7/13 HR Power Hour with David Ciullo
“A Job Search Success Story” Radio Interview
12/4/13 Individual Coaching Session- LinkedIn
12/1/13 Individual Coaching Session Camden, ME
11/22/13 District 8 Toastmasters Fall Conference St. Louis
Transformation Time with Transformation Tom
11/20/13 Effective Business Communications (early session)
11/20/13 Effective Business Communications (late session)
11/18/13 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing Skills
11/17/13 Individual Coaching Session- Résumé Writing
11/16/13 District 36 Toastmasters Conference Silver Spring, MD
“Impromp-To Success”
11/9/13 District 44 Toastmasters Conference Atlanta, GA
“Impromp-To Success”
11/8/13 District 44 Toastmasters Conference Atlanta, GA
“The Transformational Journey: A Story of Self-Awareness, Belief, and Action”
11/2/13 District 45 Toastmasters Conference
“Impromp-To Success” St. John, NB Canada
10/22/13 Belfast Free Public Library Belfast, Maine
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
10/19/13 Maine Authors Publishing Bi-Annual Authors Conference
Rockland, Maine
From Fear to Success: Presentation Skills for Authors
10/15/13 Radio Interview
A Kind Voice on Employment, Opportunity and Innovation Internet Radio Program
10/1/13 Bangor Public Library Bangor, Maine
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
9/21/13 Individual Coaching- Resume-writing
9/8/13 Individual Coaching- Interviewing
9/7/13 Metavivor Fundraiser- Author Meet and Greet Annapolis, MD
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
9/5/13 Edgewater Public Library Edgewater, MD
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
8/29/13 Waldo Technical School Administration Northport, Maine
Make Your Story Come Alive- Résumé Writing
8/16/13 Portland Rotary
Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland ME
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
8/7/13 New England Mobile Book Fair
Book Signing, “Transformation Presentation”
8/7/13 J. V. Fletcher Library
Book Signing, “It’s Not Bragging If It’s a Fact: Improving Interviewing Skills”
8/6/13 Virtual Meeting / Teleconference
LEAD for Woman- Bank of America
Command and Influence — Better Business Communications
8/1/13 Lewiston Career Center
Transformation Time / D-Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job
7/30/13 Individual Coaching- Time Management
7/28/13 Portland Jetport Portland, ME
Book Signing
7/27/13 Belfast Book Fair Belfast, ME
Book Signing
7/25/13 Individual Coaching- Resume Writing
7/24/13 HR Power Hour with Dave Ciullo WLOB 1310 Radio
Radio Interview (to be aired Saturday July 25 10:ooam-11:00am)
7/18/13 Individual Coaching- Understanding Corporate Culture
7/17/13 Tewksbury Library, Massachusetts- 100 Authors Program
Job Seekers Networking Group- Interviewing / Book Signing
7/13/13 New England Mobile Book Fair
82 Needham Street Newton Highlands, MA
Book Signing
7/12/13 Portland (Maine) Jetport
Book Signing
7/8/12 Individual Coaching session- resume Dover-Foxtrot, Maine
6/20/13 MPBN Panel Discussion Portland, Maine
Jobs in Maine
6/18/13 Virtual Meeting / Teleconference
LEAD for Woman
Let Your Connections Work for You – How to Build a Professional Network
6/6/13 Winslow High School Winslow, Maine
Jobs for Maine Grads (JMG) Keynote Address
6/5/13 Book trailer production with Maine Authors Publishing
6/4/13 Falmouth Memorial Library Falmouth, Maine
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
6/3/13 Individual Coaching session- resume Camden, Maine
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
6/1/13 Individual Coaching session- resume writing
5/30/13 Samoset Resort Leadership Summit
Bar Harbor, Maine Powerful Professional Transformation: Unleashing Leadership
5/29/13 Axiom Book Awards
Providence NYC- Received Gold Medal for “From Fear to Success”
5/24/13-5/26/13 District 45 Toastmasters Conference
(Winner of the Table Topics (Impromptu) Contest, Speaker’s Panel)
Moncton, New Brunswick Canada
5/11/13 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing
5/4/13 Made in Maine Expo- Book Signing with Maine Authors Publishing
Spectacular Event Center Bangor, Maine
4/23/13 Belfast, Maine
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Discussion (based on HBR article)
4/12, 4/15, 4/18/13 Maine Streaming Media Bangor, Maine
Taping “From Fear to Success” Audio Book
4/10/13 Virtual Lunch and Learn- Webinar
From Fear to Success: Practical Public Speaking and Leadership Success
4/6/13 Area 5 Toastmasters International Speech Contest Belfast, Maine
(Winner of International Speech and Table Topics Speech Contests)
3/27/13 Waldo County YMCA Belfast, Maine
Living to Die, Dying to Live speech
3/26/13 Winthrop (Maine) Rotary Club (Winthrop Area Federal Credit Union on Highland Avenue)
Book Signing, “Jack” and Spech Dissection/Focus Group
3/25/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Authors Night- discussion on self-publishing
3/21/13 Conference Call- Panel Discussions
Benefits of Professional Networking
3/21/13 Rockport Opera House Rockport, Maine
Book Signing, A Night of Inspiration and Transformation
3/18/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Public Speaking – Practical Public Speaking- Part III
3/14/13 Dirigo Toastmasters Club International Speech Contest Belfast, Maine
3/12/13 Portland (Maine) Kiwanis Club
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
3/11/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Public Speaking – Practical Approach (Part II)
3/6/13 Rockland Rotary Club Rockport, Maine
Transformation Discussion
3/5/13 Belfast, Maine
From Fear to Success: Practical Public Speaking
3/4/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Public Speaking – Practical Approach (Part I)
2/27/13 Virtual Meeting / Teleconference
LEAD for Woman, Transformation Discussion
2/25/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Business Focused Time Management & Organization
2/21/13 Carrabassett Valley Public Library Sugarloaf, Maine
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
2/19/13 Camden (Maine) Lions Club
Living to Die, Dying to Live
2/15/13 Thomas College Public-speaking Class Waterville, Maine
Transformation Time presentation, Living to Die, Dying to Live speech
2/8/13-2/10/13 Camden, Maine
U.S. National Toboggan Championships- Announcing
2/5/13 Augusta (Maine) Rotary (UMA campus)
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
2/4/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Communication Skills for Business Professionals
1/28/13 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
It’s Not Bragging if It’s a Fact- Interviewing Workshop
1/26/13 Toastmasters Leadership Institute
Motivating the Team
1/22/13 Rockland (Maine) Public Library
Book Signing, Transformation Time presentation
1/22/13 Belfast, Maine
Business Focused Time Management & Organization
1/21/13 Individual Coaching Session
Resume Review and Networking
1/13/13 Maine Lions Club Gardiner, Maine
Book signing, Transformation Time with Transformation Tom
1/2/13 Belfast, Maine
Make Your Story Come Alive — Résumé Writing Workshop
12/22/12 Bangor Mall in JC Penny Court
Book signing Bangor, Maine
12/21/12 Portland Jetport
Book signing Portland, Maine
12/16/12 Sherman’s Books & Stationary Freeport, Maine
Sponsored by Sherman’s Books & Stationary
12/5/12 Belfast, Maine
Professional Networking
12/3/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Keep Your Key Contributors — How to Retain Your Top Employees
12/1/12 Sherman’s Books & Stationary Camden, Maine
Sponsored by Sherman’s Books & Stationary
11/27/12 Camden Public Library Camden, Maine
Sponsored by Owl & Turtle Books
11/26/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Maximizing Multiple Generations in the Workplace
11/24/12 The Reading Corner Rockland, Maine
Book Signing Sponsored by Rockland Festival of Lights
11/18/12 Point Lookout Northport, Maine
Book Signing Sponsored by Artfull Gifts Show
11/16/12 Point Lookout Northport, Maine
Book Signing Sponsored by Artfull Gifts Show
11/8/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Authors Night- discussions on self-publishing
11/7/12 Belfast, Maine
Communication Skills for Business Professionals
11/5/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
It’s Not Bragging if it’s a Fact — Improve Interviewing Skills
11/4/12 Hilton Garden Inn, Bangor, Maine
Toastmasters District 45 Fall Conference- Training Session
Transformation Time with Transformation Tom
10/29/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Make Your Story Come Alive — Résumé Writing Workshop
10/26/12 Thomas College Public Speaking Classes
Transformation Time with Transformation Tom
10/22/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Do Everything YOU Want To Do — Time Management and Organization
10/17/12 MDI Toastmasters Club Bar Harbor, Maine
Area 5 Governor Visit and Speech- Funeral for a Friend
10/10/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
From Fear to Success — Practical Public-Speaking
10/3/12 Bangor Toastmasters Club Beal College Bangor, Maine
Area 5 Governor Visit and Speech- Funeral for a Friend speech
10/3/12 Belfast, Maine
Business Focused Time Management & Organization
10/1/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Command and Influence — Better Business Communications
9/28/12 Book Launch and presentation Rockport Opera House
Transformation Time with Transformation Tom
9/24/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
Let Your Connections Work for You — How to Build a Professional Network
9/17/12 Five Towns Adult Education Camden, Maine
How to Transform Yourself into Who You Really Want to be Professionally
9/13/12 MWWCA Conference Sugarloaf Resort, Maine
Public Speaking: From Fear to Success
9/10/12 Coastmasters Toastmasters Club Camden, Maine
Area 5 Governor Visit and Speech- Funeral for a Friend
9/7/12 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing
8/29/12 Circle of Champions Belfast, Maine
Transformation Time with Transformation Tom
7/19/12 Transformation Time with Transformation Tom Belfast, Maine
6/9/12 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing
6/6/12 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing
5/18/12-5/20/12 Toastmasters District 45 Spring Conference
(Table Topics Contestant (District 45 Champion))
5/15/12 Let Your Connections Work for You —
How to Build a Professional Network (Richardson, TX)
5/5/12 University of Maine- Hutchinson Center (Belfast, Maine)-
Powerful Professional Transformation: Unleashing Leadership
5/3/12 Belfast High School (Maine)-
It’s Not Bragging if it’s a Fact — Improve Interviewing Skills
5/1/12 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing
4/28/12 Individual Coaching Session- Interviewing
4/28/12 Toastmasters Division B International Speech Contest
(Third Place) and Table Topics Contests (First Place)
4/24/12 Camden Hills Regional High School (Maine)-
It’s Not Bragging if it’s a Fact — Improve Interviewing Skills
4/14/12 Toastmasters Area 5 International Speech and Table Topics Contest
4/11/12 Acadia National Park- Do Everything YOU Want
To Do—Time Management and Organization
4/11/12 MDI Toastmasters Club
3/30/12 Conference by the Bay (2012 Nurses Convention- Rehoboth, DE)
4/4/12 Bangor Toastmasters Club
3/28/12 Rockland (Maine) Rotary Club-
Public-Speaking Leadership Success
3/20/12 Camden (Maine) Lions Club
3/14/12 Coastmasters Toastmasters Club
2/26/12 Belfast Rotary Youth Program (Outbound)-
Public-Speaking Leadership Success and Cultural Integration
2/25/12 Toast of the Coast Toastmasters (via Skype- Canada)
2/22/12 EMHS Toastmasters Club
2/21/12 Brunswick Toastmasters Club
2/11/12-2/12/12 U.S. National Toboggan Championships
(event announcer)
2/8/12 Belfast (Maine) Rotary Club
2/7/12 Lewiston-Auburn Toastmasters
Post from Transformation Tom™- Introduction: Chapter from “Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job”
After twenty-three years with the same company, I got The Call That Nobody Wants. I had already started Thomas Dowd Professional Development and Coaching, LLC, as a side job in 2011, in which I taught groups and individuals how to effectively transform into who they really wanted to be professionally using tools like interviewing, networking, and résumé writing. I was in somewhat of an ironic situation, my credibility as an expert in professional development suddenly at stake.
The irony started within a few hours after my job was eliminated, with a pre-scheduled speaking engagement for an organization called “Jobs for Maine Grads.” It continued into the next week, when I landed a radio interview on a show where I had tried to discuss my previous two business books several months before. When I told the producer of this satirical twist, he invited me to immediately come onto the program to discuss unemployment in Maine.
How was I going to keep my emotions in check enough to keep a clear head? I’ve been an active member of Toastmasters International since 2008, and have always found that writing speeches and journals keeps me sane. I used the same approach when the potentially disastrous call came, starting with a jobless journal and notes to reflect my feelings, documenting what I had learned, and helping to keep a clear path to the ultimate goal: a job. “My Beautiful Funeral” passage that started the book is a version of a speech that I wrote within minutes of getting that call. This speech and subsequent book are the lessons I learned on this very personal journey. My passage through unemployment lasted fifty-nine days. I tell you this because my path to land it took many turns. It felt like an eternity until the relief set in with the job offer. I’m convinced that the relatively short period of time was due to having a clear plan and a support system that I now want to share. A journey I would never wish on anyone, but am so thankful that I took.
This book takes you on the rollercoaster ride, from buying the ticket to the moment your stomach sinks thanks to those quick drops, to that final race to the end, arms raised in jubilation. What I’ve found with roller-coasters is that many riders get on for the thrill of not only surviving, but the adventure of something that pulls you between fear and excitement. Your own ride is in front of you. Though you may not have chosen this particular ride, your reaction while you’re on it is up to you. You may ask yourself, “How can I even imagine the possibilities of a new job when I’m panicked about paying my mortgage and providing for my family?” We can get there together—you’re not on this journey alone. What if instead your question became, “Can I land an even better job?” The answer is, “Yes.”
Thomas B. Dowd III’s books Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job (Honorable Mention at the 2014 Paris and New York Book Festivals), The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World (Honorable Mention at the 2012 New England Book Festival), From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide (2013 Axiom Business Book Awards Gold Medal Winner and 2013 Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention). Audiobook version of “From Fear to Success” is also available! See “Products” for details on www.transformationtom.com. Book and eBook purchase options are also available on Amazon- Please click the link to be re-directed: Amazon.com
Do you know what Avanoo is? Two-to-three minute eLearning programs that can change your life. Here are my latest projects:
When Your Job is to Find a Job—and Yourself
Manage Your Time–Don’t Let It Manage You
MP3 Downloads of “From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide” are available at Apple iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Emusic, Nokia, Xbox Music, Spotify, Omnifone, Google Music Store, Rdio, Muve Music, Bloom.fm, Slacker Radio, MediaNet, 7digital, 24-7, Rumblefish, and Shazam “From Fear to Success” MP3 on CD Baby
advice, anxiety, appeal, audience, author, book, breathe, business, business development, Business Training, change, choose your words, choose your words carefully, Coach, coaching, communication, Communications, Confidence, control, development, Dowd, fear, gestures, growth, Inspiration, intentions, interests, introduction, job, job hunt, job search, jobs, leadership, Management, Marketing, mental, Motivation, network, Networking, Personal, personal growth, physical, practice, preparation, prepare, professional advice, Professional Development, public-speaking, reiterate, relax, repeat, Résumé, Résumé Writing, speaker, speaking, speech, strength, success, tense, tension, Thomas, Thomas B Dowd, Thomas B Dowd III, Thomas Dowd, tom, Tom Dowd, training, transformation, transformation tom, transformationtom, unemployment, visualize successPost from Transformation Tom™- My Beautiful Funeral: Chapter from “Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job”
Introductory Chapter to “Displacement Day”
Have you ever imagined your own funeral? Who will do your eulogy? Who will be your pallbearers? Will anyone show up or even care? I attended my own funeral. Let me explain. But before I do, I need to disclose that no one died or was injured in the making of this narrative.
On a typical day when I was happily playing solitaire and checking Facebook at work, I got the call. June 6th—the anniversary of D-Day. Not World War II; I’m talking about Displacement Day—the day my twenty-three-year job was eliminated. Just like that, it was over. Hard work, tenure, and skills weren’t part of the cost-cutting decision.
On my ride to work on that fateful day, a news report announced that 175,000 jobs had been added in the United States, making the unemployment rate 7.6 percent. On my ride home I was on the other side— one of 11.6 million unemployed. To grasp the magnitude, take the entire population of New York City, and then add another 4 million people. The call was like a gunshot to the head. My work identity was gone immediately. I was being put to rest and people were preparing for my funeral. Condolences rolled in, hugs were bestowed, tears flowed.
What will people say when you’re gone? An old manager once asked me if I ran through a wall, would people follow? At the time, I didn’t know the answer. I needed to know the answer. That was a lifeline—a time for action. Fast-forward six years later to D-Day. I don’t recall a more calming day. It was a day of self-reflection…a chance to hover over my dead body and ask if my life and career were a success. The notes flooded in. “Tom, you’ve touched me more than you’ll ever know, personally and professionally.” “Tom, we love you… This IS your next speech.” I ran through a wall, and people followed.
How was I going to tell my three daughters that Dad was sent to the farm, just like my childhood dog? A spending freeze on shoes, clothes, and pizza may be worse than death for teenagers. My middle child’s head tilted down at a mourner’s angle and a small tear rolled down her cheek as if it was about to drop onto my coffin. My youngest daughter held me in a bear hug as if it was the last time ever, while my social-media-conscious sixteen-year-old daughter told me that all responses to relocation questions on Facebook were to be “no”—as if I had a choice. The denial, the anger, then acceptance—the exhaustive feeling of having my family watch my demise. However, my support system refused to let my casket be nailed down as they put in a crowbar made of emails, phone calls, and leads. I was being resuscitated.
How many of you have prepared a will? A will reduces stress and chaos. The run through the wall question six years earlier was my wake up call, but I didn’t realize then how it would prevent my professional passing. My eyes were opened wide as I started to build an extraordinary career-saving and life-changing network. In Keith Ferrazzi’s book Never Eat Alone he notes, “Build it before you need it.” Real relationships built over the years provided me meaning, and are the reason for my success now. I wasn’t six feet under. I was six degrees from Kevin Bacon, or at least six degrees from my big break. I was alive. My support system was my CPR.
My job loss became a celebration of life, not my funeral. It reminded me how deep my love and my appreciation really are for my family, friends, and network. I was not defined by my job. I defined my own life and was going to do my funeral my way. No, I’m not going to belt out Sinatra. I lost work but found me. I used my displacement as reaffirmation that when I leave this earth, I’m leaving with no regrets. Think about your own funeral—when your spirit is hovering over the mourners, will you leave them something to mourn and celebrate?
So, let’s go back to the question: Have you ever imagined your own funeral? Who will do your eulogy, who will be your pallbearers, who will care? My eulogy was shouted out by the many key people in my network who blew my trumpet for me and gave humbling accounts of the person I had been, and who I had become. My pallbearers carried me when I couldn’t go any further. The overwhelming flood of calls and messages showed who cared. I have to admit that I started writing this narrative immediately after I got the call, and I wrote the end too. We all know we’re going to die—I don’t mean that “end.” I mean the speech ending, where I get a job. I wrote it before I had a job secured. It wasn’t overconfidence, it was just a belief that I was surrounded by an ironclad network that refused to stop giving me the oxygen I needed to survive. Are you ready to see your own funeral? I lived to see mine, and it was beautiful.
Thomas B. Dowd III’s books Displacement Day: When My Job was Looking for a Job (Honorable Mention at the 2014 Paris and New York Book Festivals), The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World (Honorable Mention at the 2012 New England Book Festival), From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide (2013 Axiom Business Book Awards Gold Medal Winner and 2013 Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention). Audiobook version of “From Fear to Success” is also available! See “Products” for details on www.transformationtom.com. Book and eBook purchase options are also available on Amazon- Please click the link to be re-directed: Amazon.com
Do you know what Avanoo is? Two-to-three minute eLearning programs that can change your life. Here are my latest projects:
When Your Job is to Find a Job—and Yourself
Manage Your Time–Don’t Let It Manage You
MP3 Downloads of “From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide” are available at Apple iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Emusic, Nokia, Xbox Music, Spotify, Omnifone, Google Music Store, Rdio, Muve Music, Bloom.fm, Slacker Radio, MediaNet, 7digital, 24-7, Rumblefish, and Shazam “From Fear to Success” MP3 on CD Baby
advice, anxiety, appeal, audience, author, book, breathe, business, business development, Business Training, change, choose your words, choose your words carefully, Coach, coaching, communication, Communications, Confidence, control, development, Dowd, fear, gestures, growth, Inspiration, intentions, interests, introduction, job, job hunt, job search, jobs, leadership, Management, Marketing, mental, Motivation, network, Networking, Personal, personal growth, physical, practice, preparation, prepare, professional advice, Professional Development, public-speaking, reiterate, relax, repeat, Résumé, Résumé Writing, speaker, speaking, speech, strength, success, tense, tension, Thomas, Thomas B Dowd, Thomas B Dowd III, Thomas Dowd, tom, Tom Dowd, training, transformation, transformation tom, transformationtom, unemployment, visualize success