The old adage of telling them what you are going to tell them, telling them, and then telling them what you just told them stands the test of time and is critical in delivering a memorable speech. Telling the audience something that goes over their head or won’t be remembered can be a waste of time and energy for everyone involved. Make sure that the intended key points stick with the audience so that they spring into action or retain your message far after the presentation. When structuring the speech, repeat the message throughout the work, including in the introduction, body, and conclusion.
However, repeating messages is not the only tool. You can use creative means, such as props, to keep the audience’s attention; ask open-ended questions of the audience to repeat back key messages; or have the group write it down. However, in all of these examples we are assuming that the message stuck. Another adage never assume also stands strong. Reiterate points you want them to walk away with in a clearly laid-out manner to ensure that the audience gets exactly what you want them to get. Audiences interpret what was told to them in many ways. When you restate the key points in an organized and summarized manner, you have a better chance that they will sink in at a deeper level.
Thomas B. Dowd III’s books The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World (Honorable Mention at the 2012 New England Book Festival) and From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide (2013 Axiom Business Book Awards Gold Medal Winner and 2013 Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention). Audiobook version of “From Fear to Success” is also available! See “Products” for details on Book and eBook purchase options are also available on Amazon- Please click the link to be re-directed: